Three Days to go until the Party begins. I feel like a father waiting for his child to come into the world. I am super nervous hoping that you guys, my readers and followers, enjoy this literary excursion. A lot is riding on this book mainly because my esteemed Publishers are using this to test the water like a swimmer would do before entering the pool.

I currently have several projects waiting to get approval and have crossed everything hoping that ‘Tea-Party’ will be a success.
‘Tea-Party’ has went through several changes during it’s short life, starting off in my main novel centred upon a character called ‘Jonathan Fallon’ which I wrote during Covid. After a discussion with my work colleague and friend during one of our ‘sanity saving’ walks, she suggested I tried to get it published. Like most new authors, I just looked at her as if she was having a laugh. Well, that was the start of my writing career. I sat in front of the computer looking at the novel and hand a brainwave, thinking that ‘Tea-Party’ would make a great stand alone story.

Emailed them both off and received favourable reviews from my Publisher stating that they would like to go ahead with ‘Tea-Party’ eventually releasing the main novel depending upon how ‘Tea-Party’ fairs as the children’s literary market is a tough one to break into.

Seven months down a very long and twisted road and ‘Tea-Party’ has leapt over the last hurdle as it races to the finish line.

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